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75 % of its entire population suffers from some mental health related problem. There are not enough professionals to attend the population.



(Source: Research "Previous Violent Event and Mental Health Outcomes in Guatemala" by Victor D. Puac-Polanco, MD, MSCE, Victor A. Lopez-Soto, MD, Robert Kohn, MD, Dawei Xie, PhD, Therese S. Richmond, PhD, and Charles C. Branas, PhD)


Living Gateways knows that Jesus is the only way. Just as we seek out treatment from medically trained physicians for physical ailments, we know the importance of working with trained professionals for issues that threaten to cripple our souls. To that end, Living Gateways partners with, Christian psychologists



Psychological/Counseling sessions cost anywhere from $20-60 per session.

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Kimberly Canil es psicóloga en la Clínica Psicológica Integral y Hogar FUMEDI, y tambien es parte de Iglesia Algo Nuevo. El abordaje psicoterapéutico que brinda es enfocado niñez, adolescencia y terapia individual, tiene formación en violencia de género y trauma.

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Licenciatura en Psicología Social y Consejera familiar, graduada de la Universidad Panamericana de Guatemala.


Tiene Diplomados en Intervención en Trauma y Tanatología. También posee una experiencia de más de 30 años en el ministerio y pastorado.


American psychologist in Guatemala. Provides counseling and education to adults, cross-cultural workers, and organizations. The clinic fees directly support ongoing healthcare, research, and education in Guatemala. For additional information, I can be reached through my contact form.

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Actualmente tiene 12 años de experiencia en su labor profesional en el área clínica, graduada a nivel de licenciatura en la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, cuenta con una especialización en Psicología Forense, una maestría de la Universidad Panamericana en Consejería Clínica

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Ivan Monzon

More information soon

Living Gateways is not responsible for therapy modality and content employed by professionals listed on our webpage,

nor for compensation agreements reached by said professionals and their respective clients. Living Gateways - Restoring the Broken

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